This is VCP’s carved “Ice Cream Cone” or “Flower Pot” leg. It was originally utilized on the model A. The leg used on models B through D at the time was quite similar, therefore this VCP offering will look at home on all vintage models A-D dating from the 1890s to about 1915. Vintage Case Parts offers this leg in maple, suitable for either ebony or natural finishes (with appropriate faux graining required by the refinisher). Every aspect of the original carving and fluting detail is precisely
duplicated. The foot will accept either the original Steinway caster or modern replacements. The top is mortised to accept the locking cleat.
21-3/8″ tall (nominal)
Combined height of leg and standard 1 ¾” swivel caster and socket installed: 23-3/8”
$4381 maple
(set of 3)
$60 boxing fee plus shipping