These are VCP’s Empire-Style Standard Length Legs. Steinway manufactured model A-D pianos in numerous ornate Empire appearances from the late-1800s to approximately WWI. Our offering incorporates elements from the most widely encountered iteration, conceding some minor reductions to control cost. A handsome part, this leg includes all the original fluting on the leg column and much of the design of the original capital. The foot of the leg column is exact in every respect and has the proper recess to partially conceal the caster, and the capital has both the recess for the mounting cleat and the locking cam wedge block on the backside. Either original Steinway or modern supply house casters may be employed. Made of maple, these legs are suitable for all A-D models.
- 22-7/8” tall.
- Combined height of leg and standard 1 ¾” swivel caster and socket installed: 23-½”
$4175 maple
(set of 3)
$60 boxing fee plus shipping